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 Kiev Vega
Kiev Vega
Kiev Vega-2
Kiev 30
Kiev 30M
Kiev 303
2006. Sovietcams.
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The Kiev-17 (1975-1984) was the first Soviet camera with the Nikon lens mount. The 17 was introduced in the late 1970s. The big difference between the 17 and later Kiev models is that it doesn't have an internal meter and more of the camera parts were made of metal, making it heavier. It also has shutter speeds from 1s to 1/1000 sec., rather than 1/500 like the Kiev 19 and 19M. It has a feel and shutter sound somewhat like an overweight, meterless Nikkormat. There was a later edition of the 17-the Kiev 17M, that has a meter. There also is a rare Kiev 18 that was only manufactured for about a year. The film advance lever on the Kiev 17 seems easier to operate that the fatter, shorter lever on the 19 and 19M. The Soviet-built Nikon mount lenses are excellent optics (source: http://home.att.net/~wayne.cornell/camera/russianslr.html).




Kiev-17 prototype  #75004 (image courtesy - Ivan Zotikov)



Kiev-17 prototype  camera with Automat lens (image courtesy - Ivan Zotikov)



4 reflex cameras, released by Arsenal in 1979 (image courtesy - Ivan Zotikov)



Regular Kiev-17  #812142