The only difference this camera appears to have from the Sokol-1 is the addition of a hot shoe and deletion of flash receptacles. This camera was manufactured from 1977. The case for this camera is made of black or brown leather with a plastic lens cover that has LOMO in raised letters. There is a rare version with the "Mark of best quality" on a little plate inset into the top next to the cable release. (source:
Produced: 1977-1987 Name: „Сокол-2“ Producer: LOMO. Frame size: 24x36 cm. Lens: Industar-70 2.8/50. Shutter: 1/30s, 1/60s, 1/125s, 1/250s, 1/500s + B. Quantity: unknown. | 
| PK6010 - Sokol-2 #7822276. |
Still many versions of Sokol-2 are known to exist: | |
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PK6005. The preseries version of Sokol-2 camera. Nameplate markings in Cyrillic characters only. "Made in USSR" markings on the top plate. These cameras were fitted with Industar-70 2.8/50mm lens. Old design of lens frontplate, as on Sokol Automat cameras. GOST settings on the lens. Never happened to see this camera alive.
Quantity: unknown, but very few.
| PK6005 - Sokol-2 camera. |
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PK6010. Released in 1978-1979. The very first productional version of the particular camera. Nameplate markings in Cyrillic characters only (see camera opposite). "Made in USSR" engravings on the rear plate. New GOST-ASA settings on the lens. Serial number placed on the shutter housing (the same numbers with Sokol-1 in 1978). An earliest so far known camera has s/n #7822276 (SovietCams), while latest known Sokol-1 camera has s/n #7821908 (SovietCams).
Quantity: fewer than 30.000 units.
| PK6010 - Sokol-2 #7822276. |
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PK6015. Released in 1979-1980. Camera identical to PK6010, but with binary nameplate markings already. Still "Made in USSR" engravings on the top plate. The particular version comes with old Sokol Automat lens yet. ASA markings on the lens frontplate. An earliest so far known camera has s/n #7927584 (SovietCams).
Quantity: appr. 70.000 units (PK6015 + PK6020 + PK6025).
| PK6015 - Sokol-2 #7927584. |
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PK6020. Released in 1979-1980. Camera identical to PK6015, but with regular lens already. GOST-ASA settings on the lens (see picture below). Still "Made in USSR' engravings on the top plate. An earliest so far known camera has s/n #7918863 (A.Zilbert coll.).
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| PK6020 - Sokol-2 #7939588. |
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PK6025. Released in 1980. Camera identical to PK6020, but without "Made in USSR" engravings on the top plate already. The mentioned markings are moved to the rear plate now (see picture below).
Camera #8029792 opposite from Kalle Salonen (Finland) collection. | 
| PK6025 - Sokol-2 #8029792. |
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PK6030. Released in 1981-1984. Quite common version with markings in Cyrillic/Roman characters. On the top plate there is LOMO recognition symbol - small red color square inside the yellow square one (see picture below). An earliest so far known camera has s/n #8122656 (SovietCams).
| PK6030 - Sokol-2 #8242594. |
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PK6035. Released in 1981-1987. Camera identical to PK6030, but with another markings on the top plate - soviet Sign of Quality inside the white square (see picture below). An earliest so far known camera has s/n #8107548 (M.Kolga coll.).
Sign of Quality markings. | PK6035 - Sokol-2 #8301922. |
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PK6040. An ultra rare to find totally black version, under export name "REVUE AUTO RS". Comes with LOMO recognition symbol - small red color square inside the yellow square one (see sample opposite). Export lens markings with ASA settings.
Camera opposite from private collection in Russia.
| PK6040 - Sokol-2 camera. |
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