The Fed-3 (a) is a new model which keeps the old body from the Fed-2. It has a new short base rangefinder assembly with a new shutter. The shutter already has slow speeds. The range finder cam now has its axis of rotation on the rewind side and diopter adjustment is made by rotating the view finder. The engraving is either the Single Cyrillic script " FED-3" or the dual engraving on export models with "MADE IN USSR" on the back [2].
Name: „ФЭД-3“ Producer: FED Frame size: 24x36 Lens: Industar-26M 2.8/52. Shutter: 1s, 1/2s, 1/4s, 1/8s, 1/15s, 1/60s, 1/125s, 1/250s, 1/500s + B. Quantity: 2.086.825 units (all types). | 
| PE0605 - Fed-3 #1002159. |
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1st version (advance knob) | |
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PE0605. Released in 1961 only. An earliest so far known version of the particular camera. Single name markings. Industar-26M 2.8/50 lens. Special top plate mouldings with decorative rim around the finder (see picture opposite). An earliest so far known camera has s/n #1000045 (D.Uhlik coll.).
Serial Numbers Range: #1.000.000 - #1.022.000.
Quantity: appr. 22.000 units. |  |
| PE0605 - Fed-3 #1002159. |
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PE0610. Released in 1961 only. Camera identical to PE0605, but without decorative rim around the finder already. An earliest known camera has s/n #1023094 (eBay, 2010).
Serial Numbers Range: #1.022.000 - #1.030.000.
Quantity: appr. 8.000 units. | 
| PE0610 - Fed-3 #1026362. |
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PE0615. Released in 1961-1962. Camera identical to PE0610, but with changed top plate mouldings already (see comparison picture below). An earliest so far known camera has s/n #1031249 (R.Williams coll.)
Serial Numbers Range: #1.030.000- 2.070.000. Quantity: appr. 40.000 units. 
| PE0615 - Fed-3 #2066911. |
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PE0620. Released in 1962 only. Seems to be the last type of single name camera. Identical to PE0615, but with new design of shutter head already. An erliest so far known camera has s/n #2081565 (eBay, 2013).
Serial Numbers Range: #2.070.000 - #2.100.000. Quantity: appr. 30.000 units. | 
| PE0620 - Fed-3 camera. |
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PE0625. Released in 1962-1964. Camera identical to PE0620, but with double name already. Some cameras have additional "MADE IN USSR" markings on the rear plate (see picture below). An earliest so far known camera has s/n #2100356 (V.Kern coll.). Serial Numbers Range: #2.100.000 - #4.300.000. Quantity: appr. 200.000 units. 
| PE0625 - Fed-3 #2150000. |
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PE0630. Released in 1964-1965. Identical to it‘s predecessors, but delivered with Industar-61 lens already. This version is better known as "FED-3L". Letter „L“ refers to Lanthanum material only, never used to write on camera‘s body. An earliest so far known camera has s/n #4307705 (Molotok, 2009).
Serial Numbers Range: #4.300.000 - #5.500.000. Quantity: appr. 200.000 units. | 
| PE0630 - Fed-3 #4369943. |
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2nd version (advance lever) | |
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PE0635. Released in 1966 only. Derivation of the 1st version Fed-3 camera, with lever wind on a redesigned top plate. Comes without strap lugs already. New design of Industar-61 2.8/52 lens (so called "Zebra", instead of early "Panda" one).
Serial Numbers Range: #6.500.000 - #6.900.000. Quantity: appr. 400.000 units.
The very first camera in my collection!!! Thanks my Mam and Dad!
| PE0635 - Fed-3 #6632635. |
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PE0640. Released in 1967 only. Anniversary version of the particular camera. Red engravings "Great October-50" on the camera's top plate. Body serial number #6724326, lens "industar-61" #6763205. 
| PE0640 - Fed-3 #6724326. |
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PE0645. Released in 1967 only. Another commemorative version of the particular camera. It's known that some "Great October - 50" cameras have special markings on the top plate (see PE0640 above). Other anniversary cameras have no markings on the top plate, but completed with commemorative boxes (see picture below). Although mass-market Fed cameras have no date prefix in their serial numbers, the commemorative Feds have special date prefixes "67" both on camera body and Industar-61 lens. | 
| PE0645 - Fed-3 #6750572. |
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PE0645 - Fed-3 #6750572 with commemorative box. |
PE0650. Released in 1967-1968. Camera with new Industar-61 L/D lens (better known as "FED-3 L/D"). Different body coverings. Different serial numbers coding system, but with 1st digit as date prefix yet. An earliest so far known camera has s/n #7413886 (DVD Technik). Appr. 350.000 copies (or even more) released in 1967-1968.
PE0655. Camera identical to PE0650, but with new serial number coding system again. 6-digits serial number without date prefix already. Appr. 1 million copies released since 1968. | 
| PE0655 - Fed-3 #352364. |
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PE0660. Released in 1978-1980. Less common to find "Olympic" version of Fed-3 camera. No toherwise different from PE0655. | 
| PE0660 - Fed-3 #150967. |
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3rd version (export) | |
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PE0665. Released c. 1968 (?). Camera identical to PE0650, but under export name „REVUE-3“. Limited quantities of these cameras were released for Western Germany market (Foto-Quelle). "REVUE-3" markings engraved on camera front (see picture below). 
| PE0665 - Fed-3 #8420693. |
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PE0670. Camera identical to PE0665, but with "REVUE-3" markings, silkscreened on the frontplate (see picture below). 
| PE0670 - Fed-3 #8503622. |
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