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Zorki-10 (Revue-10)
Zorki-11 (Zenit Junior)
2006. Sovietcams.
Solution: IDAMAS, powered  SmartWeb.
Kiev IIIa


Produced: 1956-1959
Name: „Киев“
Producer: Arsenal
Frame size: 24x36.
Lens: Jupiter-8  2/50.
Shutter: 1/2s, 1/5s, 1/10s, 1/25s, 1/50s, 1/125s, 1/250s, 1/500s, 1/1250s + B.

Quantity: ±150.000 units [1].


Kiev-3A  #A564093.



Camera identical to #A564093, but with double markings "IZGATOVLENO B CCCP/MADE IN USSR" already on the accessory shoe. No more "A" prefix in serials.


Kiev-3A  #5729017.



Very interesting camera released in 1958 (quantities still unknown). The camera has Roman/Ukrainian logo instead of Roman/Cyrillic.

Do exist the presumptions, that those very few cameras are made to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Ukraine independency (1918). Following the legend it could be only 40 commemorative copies released in 1958.

Its well known, that national question was always delicate and complicated enough in former Soviet Union.

Need to mention, that Roman/Ukrainian engravings were used widely in subminiature Kiev Vega and Vega-2 cameras (c.1960).


Kiev-3A (Ukraine)  #5835404.



An interesting article about mysterious Kiev-3A can be found in Claudio Asquini website.

During my own investigation I even found a picture of single Kiev-2 with ukrainian logo. Although the picture in I.Maizenberg book [Book Code B962-01] was drawn by painter, the fact of such camera existance has right to live.



Kiev-3A (Ukraine) logo.



Below listed few known Kiev-3A (Ukraine) cameras:



#5824468 lens unknown P.Hennig
#5827459 lens (J-8) #5739560 Michel
#5829589 lens #5838745 DVD Technik
#5831760 lens unknown C.Asquini
#5831987 lens #5841045 DVD Technik
#5832430 lens (J-8) #5835318 Molotok 2012
#5832798 lens #5837136 DVD Technik
#5833376 private collection in Europe
#5834057 lens #5829003 A.Nikitin
#5834284 lens #5840566 U.Witte
#5834392 lens #5836629 Juhani
#5834666 lens #5841216 C.Asquini
#5835404 lens #5908311 Sovietcams
#5836927 lens #5834816 eBay 2011
#5837056 lens #5905472 R.Marukian
#5837368 lens #5904041 Žydrūnas
#5837903 lens #5903567 F.Hansen
#5838026 lens #5904091 S.Berkowitz
#5838031 A.Nikitin
#5838122 lens #5841499 W.Parkinson
#5838243 lens #5901048 eBay 2013
#5838297 lens #5842338 V.Lukonas
#5838915 lens #5904372 Sold on eBay
#590518  lens  #5906455 Fedka
#590662  lens  #5906336 A.Zilbert
#593611  lens  #5719678 DVD Technik. 


Regular Kiev-3A camera (1958)  #5821507.