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Zorki-10 (Revue-10)
Zorki-11 (Zenit Junior)
2006. Sovietcams.
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Kiev II


Produced: 1947-1957
Name: „Киев“
Producer: Arsenal
Frame size: 24x36.
Lens:    ZK 2/50mm;
            ZK 1.5/50mm;
            ZK Zorki  2/50mm;
            Jupiter-8  2/50mm.
Shutter: 1/2s, 1/5s, 1/10s, 1/25s, 1/50s, 1/125s, 1/250s, 1/500s, 1/1250s + B.

Quantity: ±100.000 units [1].       


Kiev II  #511936.





Script logo on the frontplate, the backside shows the original CONTAX stamped logo. Fitted with collapsible ZK 2/50mm lens (1947). "Dresden-style" selftimer on the frontplate, the focus wheel has groove in the middle. Meter scale numbers on the lens mount are separated by commas. The character "3" on lens mount is flat, as well as the character "3" on the frame counter. Camera from Ilya Stolyar (USA) coll.



Kiev II  #47565.



An earliest Kiev in my collection. Fitted with rigid ZK 2/50mm lens (1948). "Jena-style" selftimer on the frontplate, though the button for rewinding on the bottom plate is "Dresden-style". The focus wheel has groove in the middle. Meter scale numbers on the lens mount are separated by commas. The character "3" on lens mount is flat, though the character "3" on frame counter is round.



Kiev II  #48520.



Another early Kiev from 1948. Fitted with collapsible ZK 2/50mm lens (1948). "Dresden-style" selftimer on the frontplate, though the button for rewinding on the bottom plate is "Jena-style" now (see picture below). The focus wheel has groove in the middle. Meter scale numbers on the lens mount are separated by commas. The character "3" on lens mount is round, though the character "3" on frame counter is flat on this camera.



Kiev II  #48759.



Very nice sample of regular early Kiev camera. Released in 1949. Fitted with rigid ZK Zorki 2/50mm lens. "Dresden-style" selftimer on the frontplate, though the button for rewinding on the bottom plate is "Jena-style" again. The focus wheel has no groove in the middle on this sample. Meter scale numbers on the lens mount are separated by commas. Both the character "3" on lens mount and the character "3" on frame counter are round. An earliest so far known Kiev-1949 camera has s/n  #492149 (private coll.).

Camera opposite from Egidijus Tutkus (Lithuania) collection. 


Kiev II  #494822.



Kiev II released in 1950 seems to be the 1st productional camera, since Kievs from 1947, 1948 and 1949 were issued in limited quantities and very scarse nowadays. The particular camera opposite has uncommon bilingual nameplate markings, engraved (not stamped, as on regular late cameras) on the frontplate. An additional  "IZGATOVLENO B CCCP/MADE IN USSR" markings on an accessory shoe. The focus wheel has groove in the middle. Meter scale numbers on the lens mount are separated by commas. This early camera is fitted with rigid ZK Zorki 2/50mm lens. An earliest so far known export version (with bilingual markings) has s/n  #495016 (A.Nikitin coll.).

Camera opposite from Ilya Stolyar (USA) collection. 


Kiev II  #500686.



Camera identical to Kiev  #500686 with few exceptions: the focus wheel has no groove in the middle on this sample; slightly different nameplate engravings, etc. An additional  "IZGATOVLENO B CCCP/MADE IN USSR" markings on an accessory shoe (see picture below). Camera opposite from Evgeniy Alexandrov (Russia) coll.



Kiev II  #501693.



Camera identical to #501693, completed with brown leather case and an authentic certificate. Camera opposite from Ilya Stolyar (USA) coll.



Kiev-2  #502885.



Camera identical to Kiev II  #500686, but with single nameplate markings (regular). Fitted with very uncommon ZK Zorki 2/50mm lens, released in 1951 (!). The focus wheel has groove in the middle. Meter scale numbers on the lens mount are separated by commas. Serial number on an accessory shoe (see picture below).



Kiev II  #503611.



Appr. 10.000 Kiev II cameras were released in 1950. Appr. 11.000 Kiev II cameras were released in 1951. Some of them have early export markings (engraved). It's interesting to mention, that early Jupiter-8 2/50mm lenses were collapsible, but they are very rare to find nowadays. Early non-collapsible Jupiter-8 lenses are identical to ZK Zorki lens, i.e. they have the same "ears" on front disk.  


Kiev II  #511936.



The most common version of the particular camera. Starting from 1954-1955 export markings (stamped) becoming regular. in late 1954 - early 1955 Krasnogorsk Jupiter-8 2/50mm lenses were replaced with Arsenal's Jupiter-8 2/50mm lenses.

Appr. 8000 Kiev II cameras were released in 1952, appr. 6.000 in 1953, more than 10.000 in 1954, less than 20.000 in 1955, appr. 15.000 in 1956 and less than 10.000 in 1957.


Kiev II  #549636.



Camera identical to Kiev II #549636, but fitted with Jupiter-8 Arsenal lens already. J-8 Arsenal lenses, released in 1954 are very rare to find nowadays.


Kiev II  #552839.



Export version of the particular camera. Very common to find nowadays.



Kiev II  #5512279.



A very limited batch of Kiev II cameras were released for special purposes (probably medicine). These cameras are identical to regular Kievs, but come without selftimer, synchro contact and rangefinder. No otherwise visually different. Camera opposite from private collection in China.



Kiev II (special edition)  #5701937.