Photo Gallery Updated

I have updated my Photo Gallery to contain the latest pictures from Christmas and Grandma’s Birthday.  I have also begun adding pictures from 2009 including my trip to India and London.  More pictures will slowly be added in the coming months. As always you can access the Photo Gallery through…

No SOPA For You!!!

I wish this were merely a Seinfeld reference to the Soup-Nazi, but sadly, its about something much more sinister and disturbing. SOPA Stands for the (Stop Online Piracy Act). This, along with another act called PIPA, are new laws that were recently passed by our government in support of the entertainment industry…

Happy New Year

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Years and had 2012 start off well for you! I made a couple of resolutions for this year.  These were in addition to the usual ones of eating better and going to the gym consistently.  The two biggies were to consume…