Introducing the Camerosity Podcast

Back in May, with the help of Johnny Sisson of the Classic Lenses Podcast, I recorded a two part proof of concept podcast which we jokingly called the Cocaine and Waffles Podcast.

I have been wanting to explore the idea of a new kind of podcast that worked more like a radio call-in show in which there wouldn’t be a specific topic for the week, rather different people could just jump in, ask questions or talk about what they’ve been shooting lately.  In each of the two pilot episodes we had a great selection of guests from all over the world, and the feedback from those shows was really positive.

As with everything I do on this site, things happen in slow motion and it’s taken me almost the entire summer to wrap my head about and put into motion the things needed to make this happen, and I’m happy to say that starting this upcoming Monday, I am ready to record the first ever Camerosity Podcast.

The name “Camerosity” was a word Kodak used for the date code of their products in the 40s and 50s and since everything I do has some kind of emphasis on history, I thought it would be fitting.

I’ll record the podcasts from 9pm to about 10pm Central Time (UTC -5) and hope to have the recordings published within a day or two.  Since this is still new, the guests each week will be proactively invited to participate, but as I get a feel for doing this regularly, I hope to eventually be able to post a public link for anyone to join in and chat!

I have no idea how well this will work, maybe it will be great, maybe it won’t, but I guess you don’t know until you try!  Stay tuned!

One Comment

  1. Mike,
    That’s a great idea. I’m very interested in seeing how it works. If you wish to have an edition with/about subminiature cameras, I suggest a posting to:

    Inviting some of the great contributors there for the discussion. Lots of creative ideas flow there.
    That Group also has some very inventive 3D printing creators, another possible subject for old camera collectors (old cameras, not old collectors!).
    [email protected]

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