Its Been Awhile…

No, Im not about to bust into my rendition of a Stain’d song… Life has been pretty busy these last few months.  Let’s recap: I got married.           I went to Vegas.         I did a crapload of work on the house.  …

Why I Love Heavy Metal

Why do I love Heavy Metal? For one reason or another, this question has been rattling around inside my brain lately.  Last week I went out to dinner with my good friend (and fellow-metal head) Josh and we talked about this for a while. I think that in life, some…

I Do Not Hate Apple

Many people assume I hate Apple because I am technology minded person who does not own any Apple products. Let me be clear, I think Apple makes fine products, and I feel that Steve Jobs was a brilliant man with a vision who positively changed our lives. What I do…

Bye Bye SOPA/PIPA!!!

A revolution has occurred.  Whether you were aware of it or not, on Wednesday, January 18th, there was a 24 hour blackout of a number of big internet sites.  Most significantly was Wikipedia who shut down their site for 24 hours to prove what the Internet could be like if…