9 Years of Camera Reviews


Nine years ago today, I was sitting in front of the computer in my living room thinking about writing a new post on my personal blog, mikeeckman.com about an old camera I had picked up a few months prior and got some cool images with.  I’ve always loved photography, technology, and history, so I thought a review about the history of an old camera would be fun.

At the time, my site had no followers.  I wasn’t on social media.  In the previous two years since first deploying my first WordPress installation, I had written a spattering of music and movie reviews, along with some other editorial pieces regarding my thoughts on the Boy Scouts of America and why I thought it was important to use surge protectors.  If 10 people saw something I wrote, I thought that would be cool.

A screenshot of mikeeckman.com from December 2014.

So I got started with a review of the Argus C3 Match-Matic, including a little bit of history, my thoughts on its use, and some sample images I had shot and gotten developed by some lab I found online.  When that post went live, I probably shared it on my personal Facebook page, and that was it.

I had fun writing that review though, so I did another, and another, and another….  Nine years have passed since that first review, and the site has grown by leaps and bounds.  I have met countless amazing people from all over the world, both virtually and in person.  The site is approaching nearly 500 reviews, I’ve written over 100 Keppler’s Vault articles, a bunch of interviews with people like my friend Robert Rotoloni, Chris Sherlock, and Rick Oleson.

From that site grew the Camerosity Podcast, which last night we recorded our 61st episode.  Like mikeeckman.com, the podcast started out without much thought.  Our first episode was put together in less than an hour.  One night, sitting in front of a computer, I sent a few messages to a few people online and said, “Hey, wanna be on a podcast in 45 minutes?”

I know it has only 9 years, there are many blogs much older than mine, and I probably should have waited to type something like this up next year when I hit 10, but hey, I haven’t ever done things in a normal way, so why stop?!

Anyway, that’s all I had to say.  December 12th, 2014 was an insignificant blip on the history of the world, but in some small way, if you’re reading this, hopefully you’ve enjoyed what has come in the 3,285 days since!






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