We’re starting off the new year with a continuation of the Pentax discussion we started in Episode 38. Pentax Part Deux picks up with the K-Mount SLRs produced by Asahi in the 1970s and we go through the auto focus cameras, covering Pentax point and shoots, and even the Pentax 67 and 110 cameras to round out many of the most popular models from that era. If you are fans of the Pentax MX, LX, ME Super, 110 Auto, or even the PC35AF, this is the episode you won’t want to miss!
Joining us on this episode are returning callers Mark Faulkner, Robert Rotoloni, Andrew Smith, Larry Effler, and Mario Piper, and first time callers Marcy Merrill from junkstorecameras.com, Ed Gabe, and Nate Ostroushko.
In addition to gobs of Pentax love, we cover Ricoh/Pentax’s recent announcement of their intent to reintroduce film cameras, fantasizing about what we’d like to see in a new camera, and what to avoid from previous Kickstarter projects like the Reflex and Ihagee Elbaflex prototypes. We answer the tough questions regarding M42 vs K-mount lenses, cover what seems to be everyone’s favorite digicam, plus Mike gets to visit a previous guest and hold a historically significant replica.
As always, the topics we discuss on the Camerosity Podcast are decided by you. We would love to hear from more listeners, especially those who are new to shooting film or collecting cameras. Please don’t feel like you have to be an expert on a specific type of camera, or have the level of knowledge on par with other people on the show. We LOVE people who are new to shooting and are interested in having an episode dedicated to people new to the hobby, so please don’t consider your knowledge level to be a prerequisite for joining!
The guys and I rarely know where each episode is going to go until it happens, so if you’d like to join us on a future episode, be sure to look out for our show announcements on our Camerosity Podcast Facebook page, and right here on mikeeckman.com. We record every other Monday and announcements, along with the Zoom link are typically shared 2-3 days in advance.
If you want to join us for our next episode, we will record Episode 41 on Monday, January 16th and we will have a special guest who is fast becoming the go to repair source for the Zeiss-Ikon Contax rangefinder! Be sure to stay tuned for the official announcement!
This Week’s Episode
The First Pentax K-Mount Cameras were the KX, K2, and KM, the Pentax K1000 Came Later
- The K1000s Were Very Tough and Used as Crime Lab Cameras / The Hong Kong K1000s Use More Plastic
- Everyone Loves the Pentax MX / Seriously, Go Buy a Pentax MX / The MX is like the Olympus OM-1
- Pentax ME Super had Auto Exposure and Manual Control but Used Buttons / The Pentax MG and MV Were Horrible
- College Bookstores offered the K1000 as a Student Camera into the 2000s / The ME Super Was Featured in Stranger Things
- Is There Any Improvement Between the M42 Takumars and K-Mount SMC Takumars?
Can you Use M42 Lenses on K-Mount Cameras?
- If You Already Have the 50mm f/2 SMC Pentax Lens, Is It Worth Upgrading?
- Was the Pentax 67 Seen as a Pro Camera? / The Pentax 67 Is Even Louder than the Bronica S2
- Marcy Merrill has the OG Camera Review Blog
- Soviet K-Mount SLRs / Almaz 103 / Later Zenits
- Did Asahi Intend for the K-Mount to Be So Universally Supported?
- The Pentax Auto 110 and 110 Super / Are the Pentax 110s the Best 110 Camera? / Canon 110ED
- Pentax LX vs the Nikon F3 / The Pentax LX is Very Good But Unreliable Today
- What About the Later MZ Pentaxes? / Mike Is 0 for 2 in Auto Focus Pentax SLRs
- Pentax Point and Shoots, Espio 140V and 150V / Theo and Mike Both Love the Pentax PC35AF
- Marcy Sells Mike a National Geographic Binocular Camera
- Pentax/Ricoh’s Announcement of Making New Film Cameras / The Shutter is the Key
- How Much Money Will People Really Pay for a New SLR? / Ihagee Elbaflex SLR Kickstarter
- Mike’s Idea for a New Film and Digital SLR / Reflex Interchangeable Mount Kickstarter SLR
- Fuji is An Example of a Film Company That Isn’t Investing in New Film Products / Fuji Instax is For Teenagers
- New Years New GAS: FED 3 / Viscawide-16 ST-D / Keks EM-01 Light Meter / Lumix LX-3 / Ricoh RDC-7 / Brumberger 35 (Neoca S2)
- Everyone Loves the Panasonic Lumix LX-3 / Marcy’s New Year Resolution is to Organize Her Collection and Build Shelves / IKEA Billy Shelves
- Mike Visits Daniel Koons and Got to Hold Steve Sasson’s First Digital Camera Replica
- Paul Gets a 1940s Wollensak Lens Made for E.Leitz New York / Anthony Revisits the Canon VT Deluxe / KW Pilot
- Anthony is Going to Get a Leica IIIf / Our Next Guest Repairs Contax Rangefinders
Show Notes
If you would like to offer feedback or contact us with questions or ideas for future episodes, please contact us in the Comments Section below, our Camerosity Facebook Group or Instagram page, or email us at [email protected].
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Camerosity Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/camerosity_podcast/
Camerosity Twitter – https://twitter.com/CamerosityPod
Mark Faulkner – https://thegashaus.com/
Marcy Merrill – https://www.junkstorecameras.com/
Mario Piper – https://podcasts.apple.com/in/podcast/gen-x-photography/id1494585131
Theo Panagopoulos – https://www.photothinking.com/
Paul Rybolt – https://www.ebay.com/usr/paulkris and https://www.etsy.com/shop/Camerasandpictures
Anthony Rue – https://www.instagram.com/kino_pravda/ and https://www.facebook.com/VoltaGNV/
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Mike, just a small correction re the Lumix LX3 discussion. As Panasonic followed Leica’s lens naming protocol from the LX1 and LX2 with f2. 8 lenses, thus being Elmarits, the LX3 and LX5 with f2 lenses being Summicrons, and only the LX7 was given the Summilux name as it was the only one to sport an F1.4 lens.
That is good to know. Truth be told, I know very little about these cameras. Theo is our digicam master so I usually sit back and listen during these segments of the show!
The Pentax MX does have DOF preview! Just push the self-timer toward the lens mount. But it doesn’t have mirror lockup like the KX does.
Yeah, we definitely fumbled that one! We will definitely address our oversight on this in the next episode! 🙂